Seminars & Workshops 2017

Beste IT collega’s, begin april is het weer zover en heeft u weer de mogelijkheid deel te nemen aan 4 verschillende sessies met Greg Schulz, de founder en Sr. Advisory Consulting van de onafhankelijke IT industrie analysten firma Server StorageIO (aka StorageIO).

Hieronder treft u een kort overzicht van de aankomende seminars, voor meer informatie, abstracts/agenda, registratie en de locatie, zie onderaan deze pagina of klik hier. De seminars op 3, 5 en 6 april zijn volledig engelstalig.

Maandag 3 April: Converged and Hyper-Converged Decision Making. This interactive seminar workshop combines overview fundamentals of CI and HCI along with who’s doing what. We will also discuss approaches for your application and environment needs. This -workshop will help you make more informed server, storage and CI as well as HCI decisions including comparing apples to apples vs. apples to pears.

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Dinsdag 4 April: Software Defined and Converged Data Protection Summit. Tijdens deze Summit zullen maar liefst 5 gastsprekers vanuit verschillende invalshoeken, Software Defined and Converged Data Protection adresseren. Sponsor sessie met presentaties van Exagrid, Nutanix, Veeam, Greg Schulz van Server StorageIO, Gert Brouwer van Brouwer Storage Consultancy en een klantentcase van de sponsoren middels een presentatie door de Gemeente Eindhoven. Gratis toegang voor eindgebruikers, registratie verplicht.

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Woensdag 5 April: Trends and Updates. This is a new and improved version of the popular speeds and feeds session where we look at what’s new and emerging in the industry as well as applicable to your environments. You will be updated about the latest trends and emerging technologies. The format of this seminar is a mix of presentation and engaging discussion as we look into details of popular or new technologies for both those who are old-school, new-school and current or future school.

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Donderdag 6 April: Software Defined Data Infrastructure (SDDI) essentials. There are many different aspects to software-defined, data centers and data infrastructures. What they have in common is to protect, preserve, secure and serve the applications that transform data into information. Data infrastructures include servers, storage, I/O networks, software, hardware and services resources. These resources are defined using software defined by people, processes, policies and best practices to meet various organization requirements.

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